Issue: 18, 7/31/23

Year: 2023


Mühendislik, Akım Makinaları
Dr. Bekir Tuna KAYAALP Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi
Ulaşım Planlaması, Ulaşım ve Trafik, Ulaştırma Mühendisliği
Asst. Prof. Dr. Altan ONAT Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi 0000-0002-0421-5653
Devreler ve Sistemler, Kontrol Mühendisliği, Mekatronik Mühendisliği, Mekatronik Sistemlerin Simülasyonu, Modellenmesi ve Programlanması, Mühendislik Enstrümantasyonu, Kontrol Mühendisliği, Mekatronik ve Robotik (Diğer), Dinamikler, Titreşim ve Titreşim Kontrolü
Ulaşım Planlaması, Tasarım Modelleri ve Simülasyonları, Ulaşım ve Trafik, Endüstri Mühendisliği, Üretim ve Hizmet Sistemleri, Üretimde Optimizasyon

Railway Engineering Journal is directed by an editorial team on behalf of the Railway Engineering Association in Turkey. It is a prominent academic journal with a comprehensive scope about railway engineering published in Turkey since 2014. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access and international journal which publishes research output for railway engineering or from other disciplines related to railway engineering. The main goal of the journal is to maintain publishing high-quality academic papers for the scholars and engineering society interested in railway research. The publication costs Railway Engineering Journal are fully covered by Railway Engineering Association so, no article-processing charges are requested from authors. 

Railway Systems - Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Railway Signalling Systems and Design
Advanced Signalling in Rail Systems
Rail Systems Signalization (Conventional, CBTC, ERTMS, ECTS Etc.)
Rail Systems Communications
Electrification & Energy Supply
Electrotechnical for Railway Systems
Command and Control
Power Electronic Systems
Power System Analysis
Control of Induction Machines
Nonlinear Control Systems
Safety-Critical Computer Systems
Dynamics of Electrical Machines
Basic Electrical Machinery
Control Centres
Asset Management
Certification & Homologation
RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) Analysis
Data and the Digital Railway
Analysis and Design of Traction Systems
AC and DC Traction Control
Catenary Power Systems
Modern Control Systems
Neuro-Fuzzy Control
Electronics and Relay Coordination Systems
Computer Reliability and Security
Traffic Flow in Railway Systems
Operation and Control of Railway Systems
Rail System of Electrification AC and DC
Rail Transport Vehicles Motion Control
Design and Operation of Energy Efficient Systems
Live Optimization and Fleet Management
Rail Transport Means Automation
SCADA Applications
Passenger and Driver Information Systems
Functional Security
Emergency and Disaster Planning
Simulation of Railway Systems and Components
Rail Transport System Informatics

Railway Systems - Mechanical Engineering
Mechanics of Railway Systems
Design and Analysis of Railway Vehicles and Components
Design Methodology
Experimental Mechanics
Noise and Vibration Control
Testing and Acceptance of Railway Vehicles According to International Standards
Railway Systems Fuel and Lubricants
Finite Element Analysis in Engineering
Mechanical Properties of Rail Steel
Technical Specifications
Operational Performance
Rolling Stock Purchasing Strategy
Seat Capacity, On-Board Service and Internal Design
Rolling Stock Depots
Motive Power, Traction and Rolling Stock
Energy and Environment
Asset Management
Certification & Homologation
Maintenance and Repair of Rolling Stock
Disposal System
Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis
Rail Systems Rolling Stock Dynamics
Rail and Wheel Interaction
Train and Track Interaction
Bogie and Wagon Design Fundamentals
Train Aerodynamics
Ergonomics and Aesthetics
Testing and Calibration in Rail Systems
Certification in Rail Systems
Depot Operation
Advanced Engineering Materials
Material Characterization
Non-destructive Tests
Ceramic Materials
Component Wear
Experimental and Numerical Characterization, Improvement and Development of the Structural Strength of Railway Vehicles and Moving Parts in Railway Systems
Fuels and Energy Technology
Lubricants and Waste Management
Railway Vehicles Dynamics, Vibration Characterisation, Improvement and Development Activities
Bogie Systems, Bogie Dynamic Characterization, Optimization and Development
Aerodynamic Properties, Characterisation, Improvement and Development Activities in High Speed Trains
Passenger Comfort Evaluation and Improvement in Rail Transportation
Acoustic Problems in Railway Systems, Passenger Comfort and the Investigation of the Noise Impact on Living Spaces, Reducing the Effects of the Noise
Structural Weight Optimisation of Body and Undercarriage Design, Characterization and Evaluation with High-Tech Material

Railway Systems - Civil Engineering
Landscape Design
Environmental Impact Assessment
Planning and Project Management of Railway Investments
Operation of Urban Railway Transportation Systems
Special Topics on Railway Superstructure
Concrete Bridges Design
Soil Improvement
Advanced Methods in Steel Bridge Design
High Speed Railways
Railway Superstructure Computations
Real Estate Management
Certification & Homologation
Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis
Advanced Substructure Design
Advanced Track Design
Rail and Wheel Interaction
Testing, Inspection and Fault Analysis on Tracks
Track Dynamics in Rail Systems
Track Maintenance Management in Rail Systems
Train and Track Interaction
Construction and Maintenance of Superstructure and Infrastructure
The Environmental Impact of The Rail System and External Costs
Construction and Operating Costs of The Rail System
Rail Systems Sustainability
Railway Systems Infrastructure and Construction Methods
In-Place Static and Dynamic Tests of Superstructure of Railway Systems
Fatigue Tests of Rails, Steel Bridge Components
Superstructure Defects Based on Wheel-Rail Interaction
Characterization and selection of the Superstructure Elements
Superstructure Types and Design
Determination of Geometric Standards
Accidents and Risk Analysis
Reinforced Concrete and Steel Bridges
Route Design

Railway Systems Operation, Logistics etc
Station Management and Operation
Fares Policy
Service Quality
Business Diversification
Marketing and Advertising
Traffic Management and Operations Under Regular Conditions
Traffic Management and Operations Under Extreme Conditions
Combined Transport
Transport Economics Including Cost and Production Functions, Capacity, Demand, Pricing, Externalities, Modal Studies
Intermodal Competition
Modal Complementarity
Traffic Forecasting
Mobility Trends
Commissioning into Use
Capacity Management
Station Design and Locating
Station Functionalities
Connections with Urban and Regional Networks
Architectural Design
Access to Infrastructure and Stations
Traffic Flow
Design and Analysis of Transportation Networks
Control and Scheduling
Queuing Theory
Supply Chains
Development and Application of Statistical, Econometric and Mathematical Models for Transportation Problems
Cost models
Pricing and/or Investment
Traveller or Cargo Behaviour
Cost-Benefit Methodologies
Railway Safety
Functional Safety in Railways
Numerical Methods in Optimization
Industrial Automation Systems
Rail Education
Rail Governance & Regulation
Design and/or Analysis of Rail Transportation Systems
Emerging Technologies Related Rail Transportation Systems
Environmental Impacts of Rail Transportation
Rail Accidents and Incidents
Carriage of Hazardous Materials by Rail
Policy and Practice
Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Infrastructure and Investment Appraisal
Evaluation of Public Policies
Logistics and Operations Models
Logistics and Supply-Chain Management
Light Rail / Urban Transit - Metro
Pneumatic Capsule Transport / Hyperloop
Interaction of Vehicles with the Infrastructure and the Environment
Inter-modal Transport
Multi-modal Transport
Human Factors
Reliability and Safety
Customer Interfaces
Railway Engineering Trends
Advanced Operational Research
Transport Network Analysis
Service Quality Management
Transport Economy
Rail Systems Operations Management
Risk Analysis and Management
Rail Systems Project Management
Risk and Security Analysis and Management
Human Factor
Accident Investigation and Reporting
Rail Systems Safety Standards and Regulations
Rail systems Safety Project Management
Operation of The Rail Systems
Investment Planning of Rail Systems
Economic Evaluation of Investment in The Rail Systems
Train Accidents

1. You can find the journal template here. For the articles submitted in English, a proofreading & editing certificate showing that the manuscript has been checked in terms of grammar, spelling, punctuation and usage is mandatory.

2. You can find the journal copyright form here.

3. All authors must provide their ORCID.

4. All authors must have an account on DergiPark platform.

Publication Ethics
While creating the ethical duties and responsibilities below, it has been prepared by taking into account the guidelines and policies published by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE, Committee on Publication Ethics).

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Authors who submit a study to the Railway Engineering Journal are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:

  • The publishing processes applied in the Railway Engineering Journal are the basis for the development and distribution of information in an impartial and respectful manner. The processes implemented in this airt directly reflect the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support the authors. Peer-reviewed studies embody and support the scientific method. At this point, it is important that all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers and researchers, publishers, referees and editors) comply with the standards of ethical principles. Within the scope of Railway Engineering Journal publication ethics, all stakeholders are expected to bear the following ethical responsibilities.
  • It is expected that the studies submitted by the authors will be original. If the authors benefit from or use other studies, they must cite and/or quote completely and accurately.
  • Persons who do not contribute to the content intellectually in the creation of the study should not be specified as authors.
  • The situations and relationships of all the studies that may constitute a conflict of interest, if any, must be explained.
  • The authors may request raw data regarding their articles within the framework of evaluation processes, in such a case, the authors should be ready to present the expected data and information to the editorial board and scientific board.
  • The authors must have a document showing that they have the right to use the data used, the necessary permissions for the research/analysis, or that the consent of the experimental subjects has been obtained.
  • In the event that the author notices a mistake or error in their published work, early appearance or evaluation stage, the journal editor or publisher has an obligation to cooperate with the editor in informing, correcting or withdrawing.
  • Authors cannot have their work in the application process of more than one journal at the same time. Each application can be started following completion of the previous application.
  • A study published in another journal cannot be sent to the Railway Engineering Journal.
  • Changing the author responsibilities of a study whose evaluation process has started (such as adding authors, changing the order of authors, removing authors) cannot be proposed.

Editors' Ethical Duties and Responsibilities

The editors and field editors of the Railway Engineering Journal must have the following ethical duties and responsibilities on the basis of the "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):

General Duties and Responsibilities

Editors are responsible for every publication published in the Railway Engineering Journal. In the context of this responsibility, editors have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Making an effort to meet the information needs of readers and writers,
  • Continuous improvement of the journal,
  • Conducting the processes to improve the quality of the studies published in the journal,
  • Supporting freedom of thought,
  • Ensuring academic integrity,
  • Continuing business processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards,
  • Show clarity and transparency in terms of publication in matters that require correction and explanation.

Relations with the Reader

Editors should make decisions by considering the knowledge, skills and experience expectations of all readers, researchers and practitioners. They should be careful about that the published studies are original and contribute to the reader, researcher, practitioner and scientific literature. In addition, editors are obliged to take into account the feedback from readers, researchers and practitioners, and to provide explanatory and informative feedback.

Relations with Authors

Editors' duties and responsibilities towards authors are as follows:

  • Editors should make positive or negative decisions based on the importance of the work, its original value, validity, clarity of expression, and the journal's goals and objectives.
  • Unless the studies that are suitable for the scope of the publication have a serious problem, they should be included in the pre-evaluation stage.
  • Editors should not ignore positive referee suggestions unless there is a serious problem with the work.
  • New editors should not change the decisions made by the previous editors regarding the work, unless there is a serious problem.
  • "Blind Review and Evaluation Process" must be published and editors must prevent any deviations that may occur in the defined processes.
  • An explanatory and informative notification and feedback should be provided to the authors.

Relations with Referees

Editors' duties and responsibilities towards referees are as follows:

  • They should determine the referees in accordance with the subject of the study.
  • It is obliged to provide the information and guides that referees will need during the evaluation phase.
  • It has to be observed whether there is a conflict of interest between the authors and referees.
  • In the context of Blind Review, the identity information of the referees should be kept confidential.
  • They should encourage referees to consider working in an impartial, scientific and objective language.
  • They should determine practices and policies that increase the performance of referees.
  • They should take the necessary steps to dynamically update the referee pool.
  • They should avoid impolite and unscientific evaluations.
  • They should take steps to ensure that the referee pool is made up of a broad spectrum.

Relations with the Editorial Board

Editors should ensure that all editorial board members advance processes in accordance with editorial policies and guidelines. The editorial board should inform its members about the editorial policies and keep them informed of the developments. In addition, the editors;

  • Should ensure that editorial board members evaluate the work impartially and independently.
  • Identify new editorial board members who are capable and appropriate to contribute.
  • Should send the editorial board members to the works which are appropriate to the field of expertise of the members for evaluation.
  • Should be in regular interaction with the editorial board.
  • Organize meetings with the editorial board at regular intervals for the development of publishing policies and the journal.

Relations with the Journal Owner and Publisher

  • •The relationship between editors and publisher is based on the principle of editorial independence. In accordance with the written contract between the editors and the publisher, all decisions taken by the editors are independent of the publisher and the journal owner.

Editorial and Blind Review Processes

  • Editors are obliged to implement the "Blind Review and Evaluation Process" policies in the journal publication policies. In this context, editors ensure that each work is completed in a fair, impartial and timely evaluation process.

Quality Assurance

  • Editors are responsible for publishing every article published in the journal in accordance with the journal publishing policies and international standards.

Protection of Personal Data

  • Editors are obliged to ensure the protection of personal data regarding the subjects or images included in the evaluated studies. Unless the express consent of the individuals used in the studies is documented, they are responsible for refusing to work. In addition, editors are responsible for protecting individual data of authors, referees and readers.

Ethics Committee, Human and Animal Rights

  • Editors are obliged to ensure the protection of human and animal rights in the studies evaluated. Ethics committee approval for the subjects used in the studies is responsible for refusing to work in cases where there are no permissions for experimental research.

Prevention Against Potential Misfeasance and Misconduct

  • Editors are obliged to take precautions against possible misfeasance and misconduct. In addition to conducting a meticulous and objective investigation in determining and evaluating complaints regarding this situation, it is among the editor's responsibilities to share the findings on the subject.

Ensuring Academic Publication Integrity

  • Editors should ensure that any errors, inconsistencies or misleading judgments in the work are quickly corrected.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

  • Editors are obliged to protect the intellectual property rights of all published articles and to defend the rights of the journal and the authors in possible violations. In addition, editors are obliged to take the necessary measures to ensure that the content in all published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.

Constructiveness and Openness to Discussion


  • Should take into account the persuasive criticism of the works published in the journal and display a constructive attitude towards these criticisms.
  • Should give the right to reply to the author (s) of the criticized studies
  • Should not ignore or exclude studies with negative results.


  • Editors are obliged to carefully examine complaints from authors, referees or readers and respond in an enlightening and descriptive manner.

Political and Commercial concerns

  • Journal owner, publisher, and any other political or commercial element does not affect the independent decision-making of the editors.

Conflicts of Interest

  • Editors ensure that the publishing process of the manuscripts is completed in an independent and impartial manner, taking into account the conflicts of interest between the author (s), referees and other editors.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees

Evaluation of all studies by "Blind Review" directly affects the quality of the publication. This process provides confidence through objective and independent evaluation of the publication. The evaluation process of the Railway Engineering Journal is carried out on the principle of double-blind review. Referees cannot contact the authors directly, evaluations and comments are submitted through the journal management system. In this process, referee comments on evaluation forms and full texts are sent to the author (s) through the editor. In this context, it is expected that the referees who evaluate the study for the Railway Engineering Journal have the following ethical responsibilities:

  • They should only accept study evaluation related to their field of specialization.
  • They should evaluate in impartiality and confidentiality.
  • If they think that they face a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, they should refuse to examine the study and inform the editor of the journal.
  • Due to the confidentiality principle, they should destroy the studies they examine after the evaluation process. They can only use the final versions of the studies they have reviewed, only after they have been published.
  • They should make the assessment objectively only in relation to the content of the study. It should not allow nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and business concerns to influence the assessment.
  • The assessment should be made in a constructive and courteous language. They should not make derogatory personal comments that contain hostility, slander and insult.
  • They should perform the work they have accepted to evaluate, in a timely manner and with the above ethical responsibilities.

Publisher's Ethical Responsibilities

The Association of Railway Engineers, as the publisher of the Railway Engineering Journal, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization working for the public interest. In this context, the Association of Railway Engineers and the Board of Directors act with the awareness of the following ethical responsibilities regarding the Railway Engineering Journal:

  • Editors are responsible for all processes of the works submitted to the Railway Engineering Journal. In this context, the decision makers are editors, regardless of economic or political gains.
  • They undertake the independent editors to make the decision.
  • They protect the property and copyright of every article published in the Railway Engineering Journal and undertake the obligation to keep the record of every published copy.
  • They have the responsibility to take precautions regarding all kinds of scientific misconduct, citation fraud and plagiarism regarding editors.

If You Encounter an Unethical Situation

  • If you encounter any unethical behavior or content other than the above mentioned ethical responsibilities in the Railway Engineering Journal, please report it to via e-mail.

Remuneration Policy

  • In our journal, it is free for the authors to publish their works as an article, and the readers to read and download the articles. Likewise, no fee is charged during the peer review and publication process. In addition, editors, editorial and advisory board members are also free of charge.

Correction and Withdrawal Processes

  • It is not possible to withdraw the article that has passed the pre-evaluation stage.
  • The correction of a published article is only possible with an explanation under the title of correction in the following issues.

Plagiarism Control

  • All the articles of Railway Engineering Journal are evaluated after they pass through Plagiarism Detection Program “Ithenticate”.
  • The similarity rate criterion is 20%. The candidate article that is not found suitable is returned to its authors without being evaluated or sent to the authors again for necessary corrections.

Blind Review and Evaluation Process

Blind review is a method applied for publishing scientific publications with the highest quality. This method forms the basis of the objective evaluation process of scientific studies and is preferred by many scientific journals. The opinions of the referees have a decisive place in the publication quality of the Railway Engineering Journal. All studies submitted to the Railway Engineering Journal are evaluated through blind according to the following stages.

Blind Review Type

Railway Engineering Journal uses the double blind method in the evaluation process of all studies. In the double blind method, the identities of the authors and referees of the studies are hidden.

Initial Evaluation Process

Studies submitted to the Railway Engineering Journal are first evaluated by the editors. At this stage, studies that do not comply with the purpose and scope of the journal, are weak in terms of language and expression rules in Turkish and/or English, contain scientific critical errors, do not have original value and do not meet the publication policies are rejected. Authors of rejected studies are informed within one month at the latest from the date of submission.

Pre-Evaluation Process
In the pre-evaluation process, the editors examine the introduction and literature, method, findings, conclusion, evaluation and discussion sections of the studies in detail in terms of journal publication policies and scope and originality. Studies deemed unsuitable as a result of this examination are returned within one month at the latest. Studies found appropriate are taken into the Review process.

Review Process

Studies are refereed according to their content and expertise of the referees. The studies are forwarded to at least two referees according to their area of expertise from the referee pool of the Railway Engineering journal. Referees have to guarantee that they will not share any process and document about the work they evaluate.

Referee Reports

Reviewer evaluations are generally based on the originality of the studies, the method used, compliance with ethical rules, consistent presentation of the findings and results, and review of the literature. This review is made according to the following factors:

Introduction and literature: the evaluation report includes an opinion about the presentation and objectives of the problem addressed in the study, the importance of the subject, the scope of the relevant literature, its timeliness and the originality of the study.

Method: The evaluation report includes information about the suitability of the method used, the selection and characteristics of the research group, validity and reliability, as well as the data collection and analysis process.
Findings: The evaluation report includes opinions about the presentation of the findings obtained within the framework of the method, the accuracy of the analysis methods, the consistency of the findings reached with the aims of the research, giving the required tables, figures and visuals, and the conceptual evaluation of the tests used.
Evaluation and discussion: the evaluation report includes discussion of the topic based on the findings, compliance with the research questions and hypothesis, generalizability and applicability.
Conclusion and suggestions: the evaluation report includes a contribution to the literature, an opinion on suggestions for future studies and applications in the field.
Style and expression: the evaluation report includes the opinion about the content of the study title, the use of Turkish in accordance with the rules, and the references and references to the language of the full text in accordance with the examples under the journal publication principles.
General evaluation: the evaluation report includes an opinion on the originality of the study as a whole, and its contribution to the literature and practices in the field.
During the evaluation process, the referees are not expected to make adjustments according to the typographical features of the study.

Referee Evaluation Process

The time given to the referees for the referee evaluation process is 2 weeks. Correction suggestions from the referees must be completed by the authors within 2 weeks. Referees can review the revisions of a work and decide whether it is appropriate or, if necessary, request corrections more than once.

Evaluation Result

The opinions of the referees are reviewed by the editors within 2 weeks at the latest. As a result of this review, the editors make their final decision regarding the study.

How Long Does the Broadcast Evaluation Process Take?

It is envisaged that the publication evaluation process of the studies submitted to the Railway Engineering Journal will be completed within approximately 2 months. However, the period between the date when the referees or editors request a correction from the authors and the date when the authors complete the corrections are not included in this 2-month period.

Objection to the Evaluation Result

The authors reserve the right to object to the evaluation result in the Railway Engineering Journal. The authors should send the objection justifications regarding the opinions and comments as a result of the evaluation made for their studies, in a scientific language and by referring to the grounds, to the address “railroads of”. The objections made are examined by the editors within one month at the latest (opinion can be requested about the objections made to the referees of the study) and a positive or negative response is provided to the authors. If the objections of the authors to the evaluation result are found positive, the editor restarts the evaluation process by making a new review according to the subject area of the study.

After Admission

The studies accepted as a result of the evaluation in the Railway Engineering Journal go through the processes of plagiarism control, bibliography arrangement, reference and citation control, layout and typesetting, respectively.

Language Regulation

Studies submitted to the Railway Engineering Journal must have a plain and clear language quality in accordance with the grammar rules and scientific literature of the full text language (Turkish or English). Studies should be written in a clean and fluent language, free from foreign words. In this context, the fact that the works were redacted before they were sent for evaluation ensures that the publishing processes continue in a healthier way. The editor can request language editing services during the evaluation process of the submitted works or after the acceptance phase.

Open Access Policy

The Railway Engineering Journal has adopted the policy of providing open access with its publication. Open access has beneficial results for humanity by increasing the global exchange of knowledge. The Railway Engineering Journal also supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative, adopted on 12 September 2012. In this context, open access policies adopted by the Editorial Board of the Railway Engineering Journal are available at

Railway Engineering Journal recommends that libraries include the content of the journal in the library catalog records within the scope of its open access policy.

The Association of Railway Engineers, as the publisher of the Railway Engineering Journal, undertakes that it will not charge subscription and fee for accessing electronic articles published from any library or reader.

Privacy Statement

Personal information such as names and e-mail addresses entered into the Journal Management System of the Railway Engineering Journal will be used only for the scientific purposes of this journal and the Association of Railway Engineers. This information will not be used for any other purpose or part and will not be shared with third parties.


Metadata and full texts of all articles published in the Railway Engineering Journal are stored in XML and .pdf format on the dergipark server in a non-accessible manner.

Journal Name Abbreviation
The abbreviation of Railway Engineering Journal is "Demühder".

Creative Commons

  • The Creative Commons license is a form of public copyright license that allows a copyrighted work to be distributed free of charge. When a writer wishes to give the right to share or modify the work he created for use, he uses the CC license.
  • Our journal deems the "Creative Commons Attribution License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International CC BY-NC-ND)" license for all published articles.
  • This license permits other authors to use your work in their own works for non-commercial purposes, provided that it refers to your work.
  • Open access is an approach that reinforces interdisciplinary development and encourages cooperation between different disciplines. Therefore, the journal contributes to its field by offering more access to its articles and a more transparent review process.

Copyright Transfer

  • Studies submitted to our journal for publication must have the quality of original work, which have not been published in any way before or sent to be published elsewhere. When submitting their work, individuals are obliged to declare that the work has not been published on any other platform before, in whole or in part, and that they have not evaluated for the publication. In case of a contrary situation, the author will be held responsible for the situation in accordance with the relevant sanctions.
  • Authors agree to waive the copyright of their work and must transfer the copyright of their work to the journal with submission for evaluation. This transfer becomes binding upon the acceptance of the article for publication. No part of the printed material can be used elsewhere without the written permission of the publisher.
  • The authors' all unregistered rights other than patents, copyright such as, the right to reproduce the work for their own purposes provided that they do not sell the work, the right to use all or part of the work in the author's own book and other academic works, provided that the source is indicated, such as the right to have them on their website or in the university's open archive are reserved.
  • When using previously published content, including auxiliary pictures, tables or any other content in print or electronic format, authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder. The legal, financial and criminal responsibility in this matter belongs to the authors.

Some of the Actions Considered to be Against Scientific Research and Publication Ethics

  • Plagiarism: Showing others' original ideas, methods, data or works as their own work, in whole or in part, without referring to scientific rules,
  • Forgery: Using data that does not actually exist or has been falsified in scientific research.
  • Distortion: Falsifying the research records or data obtained, showing the devices or materials not used in the research as being used, falsifying or shaping the results of the research in line with the interests of the people and organizations,
  • Republishing: To present the repeated publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions,
  • Slicing: To present these publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions by breaking the results of a research into pieces in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and inappropriately, and publishing in more than one issue,
  • Unfair authorship: Including people who have no active contribution among the authors or not including those who are, changing the author's order in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, removing the names of those who have active contribution from the work in subsequent editions, including their names among the authors by using their influence even though they have no active contribution,
  • Not specifying the supporting persons, institutions or organizations and their contributions in the publications made as a result of research conducted with support,
  • Using theses or studies that have not yet been submitted or have not been accepted as a source without the permission of the owner,
  • Failing to comply with ethical rules in research conducted on humans and animals, not respecting patients' rights in their publications, harming animal health and ecological balance, not obtaining necessary permissions,
  • Misusing the resources, places, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research,
  • To make false or misleading statements regarding scientific research and publications in academic appointments and promotions.

In our journal, it is free for the authors to publish their works as an article, and the readers to read and download the articles. Likewise, no fee is charged during the peer review and publication process. In addition, editors, editorial and advisory board members are also free of charge.